Conflict In Churches
Open to All - Date and cost to be confirmed
By Karen Kemp
More information to come ……….
Date and cost TBC
More information to come ……….
Date and cost TBC
More information to come ……….
Friday 27 June, 4.30pm to 8.30pm
Saturday 28 June, 9.30am to 4.30pm
cost TBC
More information to come ……….
Cost TBC
SEMINAR FULL - Waiting List Started for March
As Christians, we are shaped by the stories and promises of what God has done before us. God has been at work in this country forever and the Treaty has a rich Christian heritage. We can look at the story of the Treaty and how it was signed, and let that shape how we live in this land.
But do we actually know what the Treaty says? Why Māori chiefs and the Crown signed it? What happened after?
Now is a great time to refresh our understanding and plug our knowledge gaps so that we can participate meaningfully in these conversations. Join us in exploring these questions using videos with expert speakers, and discussion in small groups. Come on an exciting journey of curiosity, learning and conversation.
Click the link below for a preview
Cost TBC
Venue: Emmaus @ Cornerstone Christian School, Gate B, L Block, 91 Mihaere Drive, Palmerston North.
What was in John’s mind when he wrote Revelation? Beasts with seven heads and ten horns. Horses with tails like serpents. Scorpions with faces like men. A woman clothed with the sun. Seven seals, seven trumpets, seven bowls, seven churches, seven thunders. So many sevens! What are we to make of all this vivid imagery?
This block course seeks to unravel many of the mysteries contained within Revelation. Participants will gain a clearer understanding of this apocalyptic masterpiece. This will be a fasinating study - make sure you come!
$130 for two full days and booklet
Silvia Purdie is an ordained minister and qualified counsellor with a
particular interest in mission and the natural world.In this seminar Silvia draws on the insights of climate psychology together with theology and ministry to equip those providing pastoral care.
We love new beginnings in the church, but endings are harder. When we do endings well, people leave feeling blessed and grateful. When endings are done badly people can be deeply hurt and their souls and ministries seriously damaged. Presbyterian minister and counsellor Silvia Purdie has researched how people of different cultures, ages and stages experience this, and has written a book called Moving On: Grief in Ministry Transitions. This seminar will help participants to prepare for future transitions and recover from past hurts.
Topics covered:
Ending well: what are my responsibilities through the process of leaving a position?
Complex grief: why are some endings harder than others?
God is in it: theology of transition, and pastoral prayer for healing.
In context: cultural differences and wider church responsibilities.
"God has given each of us different gifts/abilities that: show what he's like to the people around us, inform us on where we make our best contribution, and point to where meaning and purpose in our life is found. Come and uncover more of who you really are! Highly interactive, with video input from world experts.
Prework required: complete an on-line survey.
Material covered will be of an adult nature but will not include anything explicit.
Pornography has become the biggest issue within the church over the last 10 to 15 years. As the church there is little that we have done about it because we do not know what to think about it and do not know where to start. This is destroying our young people as they turn further and further inward with guilt and shame without having anyone to turn to for help. Come and be trained in how to create a community that brings healing through God’s grace and finds freedom from pornography.
This interactive seminar begins by introducing Islam: the person of Muhammad; Islam’s sources of authority, its theology and core practises; the Sunna, Shariah law, and Islamic da’wah (mission). We will examine similarities and differences with the Christian faith, and the relationship between the Bible and the Qur’an. The seminar will consider Islam in relation to contemporary issues such as peace and violence, freedom and censorship, apostasy, Dhimmitude, and the place of women. Some of the deeper contrasts between Islam and Christianity will be uncovered, and the seminar will also offer answers to Islamic objections to Christian faith. Finally, we’ll ask the question: how do I love my Muslim neighbour?
There will be lots of opportunity throughout for questions and answers - come along to deepen your understanding of, and response to, Islam today.