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Block Course: Exploring Spiritual Growth

  • All Saints Community Centre 338 Church St Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui, 4410 New Zealand (map)

Lecturer: Pauline Simonsen

This course is rated “M” for maturity, because it’s all about growing up in God. Followers of Jesus are called to ‘grow up into his full stature’ – but what does that mean? How does it happen?

This course will take us deeper into relationship with God, where we learn of him, about ourselves, and so about living as mature people of God. We’ll practise some of the ancient and new disciplines that God’s Spirit uses to mature us. And we’ll let God loose in our lives again to shape us as his children.  Get growing!

8 Week Course on Thursday mornings 9.30am - 12.30pm.

$250 Earlybird (Paid by Monday 10 May 5pm) $300 standard fee

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