Footsteps Courses

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Te Rongopai: Revivals in Aotearoa’s history

  • All Saints Community Centre 338 Church Street Palmerston North New Zealand (map)

By Chris Saunders

“Then follows the murmur of approaching voices, as the worshippers are drawing toward the House of God; then the flag, on which is emblazoned the cross of Christ, with a dove bearing an olive-branch and the words ‘RONGO PAI’, or THE GOSPEL, begins to unfold itself, and to display its colours to the freshening breeze…”

This course will include some of the significant revivals in New Zealand with a special emphasis on what has been described as New Zealand’s greatest revival. If time allows we will also look at the beginnings of Pentecostalism in NZ.

6 week course. Enrol Now!